Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Make Trace Together voluntary, not compulsory

 The insane ministers insist on killing the economy and businesses. They want to force people to use the Trace Together app or token to visit malls and restaurants.

It may backfire and people will refuse to shop or dine outside.

I support Trace Together, but I will make it voluntary and attractive. I will tell people that they will be compensated adequately, if they have to stay at home after being in contact with an infected person.

And for people who does not want to use TT for contact tracing, I will let them be. I do not wish to force them to use TT.

I believe that my approach - to make it attractive and not compulsory to use TT is better.

I do not agree with the insane ministers. They will kill the economy and the livelihood of the people.

Agree or not?


  1. The govt policy makers need show they doing a good job to justify their high pay mah, its a conflict of interest, the right sensible thing they need do is to cut down their headcount

  2. *Information from the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) doctor team.*

    *Within this year you have to keep your distance, do not meet or eat together with people who have contracted Covid-19 before. You must have an understanding of self-protection; do not be careless.*

    *A) Body surgery shows that:*

    *1. Covid-19 is a combination of SARS and AIDS. Many doctors assume, patients who have been discharged from the hospital, the nucleic acid test returned positive. It is not a recurrence, but they have not fully recovered. This has to do with the characteristics of Covid-19.*

    *2. The immune system is almost completely damaged. SARS only attacks the lungs, does not attack the body's immunity. AIDS attacks the body's immunity. The damage to the organs of Covid-19 patients is like SARS plus AIDS.*

    *3. Acute lung organ damage is the leading cause of death for SARS sufferers. While death due to Covid-19 is caused by "failure of many organs".*
