Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Quora: China retaliate against Australia

Quora: Why does Australia not expect China to retaliate in a war they themselves started for no reason other than to please the US?

We are open, forthright, a bit abrasive at times, our sense of humour can be off-key, we are generally sexist, racist, not overly good neighbours, and believe we should be forgiven for all our faults and praised for the little we offer to the world as a nation because we are DIFFERENT, CUTE, EXOTIC, LOVABLE country bumpkins.

The problem is that the world doesn’t really give a crap about us as we are a miniscule cog in a machine made up of fifty billion cogs.

China is retaliating and in a very big way as should have been expected.

A lot of people seem to be suggesting that China was upset by Australia agreeing with the world that China should be ‘investigated’ in regards to the Covid outbreak. But that makes no sense as a host of nations made the same call. Why single out Australia? Australia was singled out because they were parroting American accusations and talking points.

China allowed inspectors from around the world to confirm what occurred in Wuhan however China insisted the the WHO had to be allowed to be a participant, and that the process must NOT be politicised. As soon as those two provisions were agreed by every nation except the US American inspectors were recalled to the US. In the final analysis Americas accusations were proved to be groundless.

End result: Not a Chinese problem!

Our government continues to support the US and the consequences, for Australia and Australians, will be catastrophic I believe.

And after all of this when China refused a shipment of contaminated grain from Australia the Americans sold their grain to China. Is that how allies usually work?

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