Monday, December 14, 2020

Accountability and transparency of government

 I created this platform to discuss practices that can improve the accountability and transparency of a government.

I will show examples of how other countries adopted practices that promote this goal.

Here are some examples.

* Some countries broadcast their discussions in Parliament. A good example is the United Kingdom where the MPs can ask questions to their Prime Minister. There proceedings are recorded and can be viewed by the public.

* Some cities conduct public hearings and allow their citizens and interested parties to give their views on public works.  These hearings are available for viewing by the public.

* A few years ago, I saw some video recordings of proceedings of the city government of Jakarta. It shows their deliberations on decisions taken by the city government. These recordings were welcomed and seen by their citizens.

I believe that these practices improve accountability and transparency and the trust of the citizens towards the government. The government can use the Internet effectively to build this trust.

Do you agree?

1 comment:

  1. I hardly drive anymore since I moved closer to where I work. The incivility on the roads are

    not worth my blood pressure.The things people do in cars. Honking. Swearing. Cutting to the

    front without signalling. Most drivers are just mean.
