Saturday, December 12, 2020

Vaccine against covid-18

Out out of 10 Singaporeans will take the covid vaccine. The poll did not say, but I assume that the vaccine will be given free to the people, i.e. the cost is borne by the government.
I believe that the vaccine will be safe. It may not be effective in 10% of the cases (based on a 90% effectiveness rate), but it should not lead to any health concern.
It is all right to wait and let others try first. There is no hurry.
Anyway, the risk of being infected is low in Singapore and the virus is mostly mild, so there is no urgency to be vaccinated.
For me, I do not mind taking the vaccine first, if other people are scared of the possible side effect.
Why? I am willing to take a small risk. I am not scared like most other people. Hahaha!

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