Monday, January 18, 2021

Special clinics to test covid cases

I read this news report that two people who had symptoms of the infection did not see the doctor.

I suggest that the government should appoint special clinics to test people with symptoms of covid. A list of these clinics should be provided to the public.
These patients should be given priority for testing and kept in a separate location, away from the other patients.
Preferably, these clinics should be set up for the sole purpose of covid testing.
Every person who has a temperate about 37 C and captured in the DIY temperature scanners can be advised to go to the special clinic.
The covid testing should be free for patients with symptoms. It can also carry out testing for people without symptoms for a small fee (which is subsidized).
If we can focus on dealing with people with symptoms, we can relax on the Safe Entry recording (which is costly and large useless).

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