Monday, January 18, 2021

Vote on these issues and make your voice heard


  1. Leadership Quotes;

    "When things go wrong in your command, start searching for the reason in increasingly large circles around your own desk."

    "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

    "As a leader...your principal job is to create an operating environment where others can do great things."

    "If you work in government, you'll see things that need doing. You can choose to stay out of trouble, or you can ask yourself, 'If not me, who?'"

    The government deficit is the difference between the amount of money the government spends and the amount it has the nerve to collect.

    If the government can make money, what on earth does it collect taxes for you and me for? Why don't it make what money it wants, take the taxes out, and give the balance to us?

    The more money spent by government to address social injustice the greater the cries of social injustice.

    If you ask people do you think that government should spend less money than what it takes in, most people agree with that.


  2. Singapore government to ensure property market, gst & other taxes collection is in line with economic fundamentals. Thks.

  3. The SSD might start from when the keys are received, not when you sign for the Option to Purchase for new launches.
    They might forbid loans to Shell Companies' Directors and their families.

  4. Coldline today cannot be called Hotline.

  5. At its simplest conceptualisation, in the past people comes first. In comparison to today, monetary gains come first. This is largely due to the fact that they become richer in their policies!!!!!!!!!

  6. When children are playing, sliding, and climbing, eventually someone falls. The first thing the child looks up is to their the person who brought them. If the person remains calm, the child brushes himself off and return to play. But if the person looks upset or worried, the tears begin?

  7. Policies with a heart do not mean Government wins, perpetrators have nothing to lose but the genuine suffers!

  8. Advance Country???

    -Where people live in poor conditions of having a necessity of CCTV on their front door.

    -Where advertisements that the master bedroom can accommodate a QUEEN SIZE bed.

    -Where students had to hang out in Mcdonalds to study due to constraints at home.

    -Where policies after policies after policies after policies failed to curb speculations. People can only buy million-dollar properties with access to money. Where is all this money coming from?

    -Government servants take actions only because of the light?

    -Kitchen ventilations are a thing of the past.

    All in all living conditions have become poorer for humans, while the country intended to spend billions on trains to Malaysia. Where are the priorities? The country has been going down the toilet and it will even be worse when the 4G takes over. They don't know it but most people do.

    Remembered reading somewhere, that Commonwealth Towers, Stirling, One Holland Village were previously HDB land sold to private developers for billions, where young couples kept hoping and bidding for their homes in outlying areas for years??

    If attitudes are not changing to take care of the people, other than themselves, seven percentage points drop during elections did not happen over nothing.

    Those people who have the ability to design and examine those hopeless shortfalls, heart equipt to understand what the people are going through, resilience to adapt, please come forward to save the people and country. People are complaining not for the sake of doing so, but the situation is real. We have never been so desperate.


  9. Profits before quality are the new normal.

  10. The world will still keep turning even without them.
    Let go of the idea that their way is the only way.
