Sunday, January 24, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Will President Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus be approved by Congress?

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  1. Believable-Testimonials from customers are far more credible than any media source.

    Spread word of mouth- It is a powerful amplifier of marketing, achieving no media or campaign can.

    Reinforcing-Hear it from a few people, not so sure. Hear it from thousands of people and it has to be true.

  2. Between a rock and a hard place? Somewhere along the line, he had mentioned that most 'sub-

    standard' policies were made by his 'superiors'. Did he just approve them blindly? Was he

    afraid that if he questions deeply into the 'sud-standard' policies, they would start

    dropping out one by one? If more than five steps down it would not look good on him.

    Besides he was hoping to keep the kind he considered were 'good people'. They kept

    reiterating that it is hard to get people to join. Best just leave those superiors to come

    out with any 'sub-standard' policies as long as they are not corrupt through illegal means.

    Between a rock and a hard place?

  3. Compulsory and Necessity; Hospitals, Education, Housing, Eating places and Jobs.

    Sick of Parliament; Topics of low wages, Inequality, Sports and Arts; LGBTQ. These are important but they are not crises.
