Monday, January 04, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. How do you describe Singapore's response to the covid pandemic?
2. How do you describe the government ministers of Singapore.

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  1. The government has been doing a marvellous job in handling the pandemic and is sincere about keeping it under control. As for my one man's view, I cannot say about the handling of other issues in the country.

  2. Along the years, I have always been in blaming the shoes as one was always tighter than the other. I was under the opinion that shoes were not manufactured the same. A few years ago, it had been more distinct than my right foot hurts more than the left. And that no matter which pair of shoes I had on the right foot feels tighter. I have now come to the conclusion that it is my feet that are different in size and not the shoes. Takes time to find out something that is so simple.

  3. Happiness is free. Choose happiness.

  4. Whenever Worker's Party manages to attract more Cockles & Nichole Seah, it would really warm the cockles of my heart to see their inability to sustain that 62%.

    A son and his parents owned a private property. When he got married, his wife did not want to stay with his parents. Son and his wife bought a place on their own. Before doing so, the wife insisted on the house that his elderly parents were living in be sold as she did not want them to incur ABSD on their new home and to free his CPF. The house was sold, and his elderly parents bought a resale HDB. Their policies not only failed to dampen the prices but also broken up families.
    Nothing can convince the people that this Government has the heart for the peopl

  5. If every detail is being controlled, we are not able to function with results.

  6. "PAP'S LAKSA"

    Frequented this Laksa stall. The basic without king prawns is $7.50. Normally asked for extra

    hum. The minimum is $2.00 for a teaspoon making the amount to $9.50. Recently, the laksa did

    not comes with hum. Seller's excuse was hum not coming from Malaysia. But they did not reduce

    $2.00 of the price for the no hum. Price still $7.50. PAP showed them the way.

  7. Whenever Worker's Party manages to attract more Cockles & Nichole Seah, it would really warm the cockles of my heart to see their inability to sustain that 62%.

    A son and his parents owned a private property. When he got married, his wife did not want to stay with his parents. Son and his wife bought a place on their own. Before doing so, the wife insisted on the house that his elderly parents were living in be sold as she did not want them to incur ABSD on their new home and to free his CPF. The house was sold, and his elderly parents bought a resale HDB. Their policies not only failed to dampen the prices but also broken up families.
    Nothing can convince the people that this Government has the heart for the people

    January 07, 2021 7:05 PM

    When leaders are responsible for the lives, emotions and well-being for the innocents, they

    should not toy around with policies because they had to punish less than 20% who abused a

    system. Why should the innocents pay for the ass-holes who went around milking from a

    system? They deserve what they got from the polls.

  8. Our eyes and ears can only lie to us so much. And after that bad experience, you just can't help but become cynical about their motive.
