Tuesday, January 26, 2021

WOTC - Singapore economy in 2021

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 88% of the respondents have a pessimistic view of the Singapore economy in 2021.


  1. Words are from the lips, actions are from the heart. Rashida Costa.

    People may doubt what you say but they will believe what you do.

    * The difference between Parti's lawyer and the freeloaders.*

    Actions prove who someone is; words just prove who they want to be.

    Good actions and fine-combing policies do not inflict minorities?

    *They know who they are!*

  2. Sheng Siong bosses are hidden gems. Not only in businesses but also to their workers. They did little schooling but was able to devise genius planning.


  3. One company which has decide to give up its JSS payout is German pharmaceutical group Boehringer Ingelheim. It will instead donate $500,000 to five causes that its employees voted for. These are the Migrant Workers' Assistance Fund, Sayang Sayang Fund, Invictus Fund, Singapore Red Cross and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

    Another company that has decided to donate its payout is DSM, which makes nutritional products. Its business model has proven to be "relatively resilient" despite the crisis, said Asia-Pacific president Pieter Nuboer.
    More than 130 firms have given back $97 million in Jobs Support Scheme (JSS) payouts as of May 31.

    The firms are among more than 250 that have declined the payouts, a Ministry of Finance (MOF) spokesman told The Straits Times.

    Not all is doom and Gloom.

  4. If two strong oppositions under Worker's Party had contested in Jurong and AMK, their overall

    results might be oven lower?

  5. Analytical prices of properties: Resale prices of old cost much much higher than new HDB. This brings us to realize that these people are in genuine need of a home.����‍♂️

    New launches and newer properties are selling higher than older and ageing ones. This led to proof that menkind still have a great preference for newer buildings. As for the older places, one can restore to a five-star, but the concealed piping and electrical are rotting.����‍♂️
