Saturday, January 30, 2021

Yield on property investment

 Is it a good ideas to invest in a second property to get a rental income?

I present the calculation here.


  1. * maintenance fee
    * property tax and insurance
    * maintenance and repair
    * agent's commission (to get tenant)
    * vacancy

    Do not forget to include GST for all the above.

  2. 1st - building a significant better country and lives for the general public, though feared by the people.

    2nd- had grand visions to give the people a Swiss Standard of living though wooden. Recognised the outcome to be gracious.

    3rd- not an ordinary man. Country had no significant impact. Not feared.

    4th??-money not enough. Coniving ways when to increase GST. Standard of living spiralling downwards.

    5th??- Singapore sinks???

  3. Singapore's properties are there for the speculators and the government to reap at the expense of the homeowners and investors.

    How many can afford a second property in this country? The majority are not crying foul against the ABSD. When the government forcefully takes in billions, HDB dwellers the majority population in this country welcome the scheme as it gives the government more monies to spend?

    Whether it is public or private properties, the imbalance is very severe in terms of occupation, prices, sales, ownerships..........

    Occurring in facts properties here sucks.

    Once a speculator, always a speculator. What else do these people know?

  4. Anonymous said...
    Analytical prices of properties: Resale prices of old cost much much higher than new HDB. This brings us to realize that these people are in genuine need of a home.����‍♂️

    New launches and newer properties are selling higher than older and ageing ones. This led to proof that menkind still have a great preference for newer buildings. As for the older places, one can restore to a five-star, but the concealed piping and electrical are rotting.����‍♂️

    January 30, 2021 1:38 PM

  5. My friend's wife is pregnant. They sold their 2 bedroom place and with the help of their wealthy parents rebought a four-bedroom place near Newton area to gain ACS or SGCS as distance priority for the unborn child. Unless branded schools move out of the prime area, children with poor resources are not given a level playing field? Talk about snobbery, within the elites.

  6. Hey bro, no need to feel discouraged.

    Rather than focusing, how to get ahead of them, try to discover your unique colour.

  7. Those good old days where things are simple and straightforward. Today not only lives are complicated, but their housing market policies are also the messiest in the whole world. It could only get worse as time goes by.

  8. Re-post- the reason my family's heart of full of hatred for them A hate that is so deep.

    The present house that we are living in is owned by me and my parents. Over the last few

    years we have been contemplating to upgrade to a bigger space, the reason being their

    health has been deteriorating and we might need a spare room if we were to hire a full-time

    maid. My parents insisted that the ownership be included them. They feared that I have the

    capacity to throw them out in future if they are not owners. When I was clearing my leave

    last month we went to the bank to enquire about loans. My income was more than sufficient

    a 2 mill loan. All I needed was half a mill. But because of parents insistence to have

    their names included in the new property, all kinds of brick-walls came into the equation.

    Funnily, the PM of Singapore went through very high profile acrimony regarding a family

    house. Of all people, he should be the one to understand the scenario of such circumstances

    rather than deny some elderly some kind of security during their golden years?

  9. They cannot address the shortage of BTOs and they are talking about young ones to afford their first housing. Why don't they just admit for once that they are the cause of every problem that the country is facing in terms of properties?

  10. Properties that are bought before the measures that came into effect, should not be included

    in the new rules! It is toxic to pull rugs underneath all.

  11. LHL sold his inheritance to LHY and the proceeds from the sale went to charity. The buyer has all the means to pay the ABSD. There's a promotion going on in this country one name-one property- who owns the property doesn't matter- to cool the market? Like that, I also can.


  12. Suffocating Rules, Measures & the Taxmen- Any dog, you put him in the corner, no matter if they're vicious or not, they're going to bite back.


  13. The purpose of Executive Condominiums was introduced in 1997 for the sandwiched class who has

    an ambition to own private property. Today did it serves its purpose or just a business


    Suffocating Rules, Measures & the Taxmen- Any dog, you put him in the corner, no matter if they're vicious or not, they're going to bite back.

