Thursday, February 25, 2021

A humorous episode with DBS QR Angpow

 A share this story. You don't laugh, OK?

A few days before CNY, I took the QR angpow from DBS Bank. I loaded $5 into an QR angpow to test the system. It looks okay. I promoted the QR angpow in my Facebook.
A day later, I received a SMS that Jeremy redeemed the $5. I did not know Jeremy. The QR angpow was still with me. I thought that it was an internal job and someone in DBS know the QR code. I lodged a report with DBS.
Later, I discovered that Jeremy was able to scan the QR from my Facebook page and redeemed it. Jeremy refunded the $5 to me.
A week later, I was shocked to see a SMS (sent a few days earlier that I overlooked) that Jeremy took out $2,000 from my account. Initially, I though that Jeremy created the image using photocopy.
I checked my online bank account. There was a transfer of $2,000 made to Jeremy. How did he do it?
I wanted to make a police report. This is serious. I don't mind losing $5, but $2,000 is too much!
A while later, I found the answer. (Don't laugh, ok?)
This was a different Jeremy. I had asked a contractor to repair a leak in my tenanted house. He asked me to pay the $2,000 by PayNow to a number, which turned out to be Jeremy. The contractor did not use his own account.
The contractor sent the screen shot of the transfer by SMS to confirm that he had received the money.
Why did I forget that I paid the $2,000? Old age, OK? Don't laugh, OK? My stupid SCB did not tell me!

1 comment:

  1. People are dying more from fatal accidents more so from Covid-19. Is this

    the kind of life we want? The high costs of operating a business here led to

    cutting corners and people rushing for time. The daily frustrations are

    making people living on their nerves. The deadly consequences of molesting

    cases, yet they cannot control their urges. Youngsters turning to speed and

    thrills as a stress reliever? Punches and fights are a common trend. People

    are getting angrier and impatient. I fear for my teenage children.

    Most worry about their high expenses and therefor are not able to save for

    rainy days. The PM is just there to make sure the ministers do not step out

    of line? He allows them free reign?

    What some said is right. We need more reliable oppositions to serve and

    Panjang to Mahatir if LHL decides to step down. The country is drowning.
