Sunday, February 07, 2021

Landscape workers work under risky conditions

 Someone sent this feedback to the minister for manpower and copied to me.

Allow me to kindly report to you of a case of flouting pf MOM safety rule by foreign landscape workers while working in a condo complex here.
To add to this they all carried out deceptive techniques to trick all that they had complied to the safety ŕules.
I witnessed their modus operandi as I was an inside, when I worked as a gardener at X during October and November 2020.
Every Friday, a team of five workers would come to this condo to garden and of their task is to go to the round and flat roof of the barbecue house.
Beautiful plants are planted on it and the team service the plants to get them to be even more beautiful.
The foreign workers don't don the safety suit or harness, climbed the ladder to get to the roof and moved around freely to carry out their work.
If any of them slip and fall off the edge of the roof he will fall on the hard cement floor below.
It is certain that he will be injured and might even die.
This need not happen if he hook at the end of the 10 feet rope is attached to a strongly entrenched pole.
There is no such pole on the roof and so the entire team of four were working under dangerous conditions.
The person who oversee the operation is Y he is the supervisor of the stationed gardeners of this complex.
He did not go up to the roof because he fears death.
The condo manager should have provided the necessary safety measures but it did not and so it is also at fault.
While the foreign workers should refuse to work under such conditions but they persisted because their need for money is great and it is to be used to feed their loved ones.
I care because of my conscience. I do want any local and foreign gardener to die.
Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. You seemed to have a very good command of the English language for a gardener?
