Monday, February 08, 2021

My trading experience with US Hot Stocks (Sep - Feb 2021)

 I share my trading experience with US hot stocks for the past six months.

The profit on TSLA is for the past six months, and exclude the profit made before Sep 2020.

I was pleasantly surprised at the huge profits made on NNDM, BNGO, TSLA and GEVO totalling USD 211,857.

I have sold all my holdings in these stocks. I will buy them when it falls 20% from the current prices.

I selected the shares of these stocks based on the YouTube videos put up by the YouTubers. They explain the business models of these companies and the financial figures. I watched a few videos from several YouTubers and chose those that I was convinced with.

I also set a target price that I consider to be too high. At these prices, I exited my holdings.

To know more, you can attend this talk


  1. could u share which youtubers did u watch, thanks

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