Monday, February 08, 2021

Renewing a Singtel Business broadband contract

I received an email from SingTel to renew my contact.
It provided a link for me to go to renew the contract.
The experience was terrible. I wasted half an hour and am not able to renew the contract.
The website did not work.
The email did not provide the renewal date, nor the terms of my current contract. I am not able to access the information.
I created a video to show this terrible experience.
My experience with SingTel is quite typical of my experience with most websites of Singapore companies and government agencies. They are poorly designed. They make life very difficult for the users.

I have just sent an email to MyRepublic to ask them to quote for moving to their broadband service.


  1. I will be moving house soon. I have asked Singtel to transfer my account from the old house to the new. As I was given a new account number for my new house and the old account has yet to be terminated, I was told that the penalty to end the old contract was a few hundred dollars and the contract for the new house starts on the date that the services were activated. My name and IC number remains the same.

  2. Mr Tan,
    Thank you for posting the video. My experience is the same as yours. Happy to know that I am not an idiot who doesn't know how to navigate the interminably frustrating Singtel website. Like you I have spent half an hour in futility. Bah!
