Sunday, February 07, 2021

Review of circuit breaker in Singapore

Singapore started the circuit breaker on 7 April 2020. At that time, it was intended to last for four weeks until May 4.
The whole world was worried about the seriousness of the virus. Wuhan in China implemented the lockdown on 23 January. During the following nine weeks, we saw a large number of hospital cases, intensive cases and deaths. The hospitals were overwhelmed. Two emergency hospitals had to be built within 10 days.
We also saw the breakdown of hospital system in Italy when the number of cases overwhelmed the capacity.
When the government discovered that there were large number of infections among the foreign worker dormitories in Singapore, there was alarm. We need to control the spread. There were already many cases treated in hospital. The hospital facilities could be overwhelmed.
The government introduced restrictions under the circuit breaker. All non-essential workplaces and retail outlets had to stop operation during the period of the circuit breaker.

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