Friday, February 19, 2021

Why I prefer to buy stocks rather than options

 In this post, I explain why I prefer to invest in the underlying stock, rather than to buy call or put options.

1 comment:

  1. Really Funny Jokes1. Flatulent Old Lady:
    An old lady was having an embarrassing problem with bloating and gas, so she decided to see her physician.

    “Hello Mrs Johnson,” said the doctor, “and what’s troubling you today?”

    “Well Doctor Carmichael,” she responded, “I can’t stop breaking wind. Fortunately they’re silent and they don’t smell but it does feel embarrassing. Honestly, I’ve farted several times whilst I’ve been sitting here. What can I do?”

    The kindly doctor smiled at her and said, “Mrs Johnson just take these pills three times a day for seven days and then come back and see me as soon as you’ve finished the medication.“

    One week later Mrs Johnson is back in the doctor’s office and is clearly unhappy.

    “Doctor, I don’t know what was in those pills you gave me last week but my problem is even worse,” she said.

    “In what way?” the doctor enquired.

    “Well I’m still breaking wind just as much and they’re still silent,” she said, “but now the smell is terrible. I mean they really stink.”

    “Excellent!” said the doctor. “That means we’ve fixed the problem with your sinuses. Now let’s see what we can do about your hearing.”
