Monday, February 01, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should the government set up covid testing centers?
2. Should we use self service kiosks for safe entry and temperature taking?

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  1. "Thanks for sharing the blog, seems to be interesting and informative too. if you want to know about insurance and finance so please visit our website Family Floater Health Insurance

  2. Forum: Hair on pillow, X-ray table not sanitised.

    I was at a laboratory in Ang Mo Kio for an X-ray on Jan 22. When my turn came, I entered the X-ray room and was asked to lie down on the table.

    I found hair on the pillow provided. The radiographer asked me to flip over the pillow, but the other side had even more hair.

    I have written to the management and have not received any reply so far.

    I have also highlighted this to the Ministry of Health, which replied that hygiene matters fall under the clinic's purview.

    Bingo; we have either no reply or a standard reply! Let us encourage one another to send in feedback! Morons are in today's society. We knew because we have dealt with them in some way or other!

  3. One-Liners-

    There is one big difference between genius and stupidity; genius has limits.

    Things get worse under pressure.

    Things go right so they can go wrong.

    One can't bear burdens and eighty per cent of all people consider themselves to be above average.

    Enough research will tend to support your theory.

    Error is often more earnest than truth. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

    Even if the grass is greener on the other side: they, like you, still have to cut it.

    Every silver lining has a cloud around it.

    Every solution breeds new problems.

    Everybody is somebody else's weirdo. ideas at the same time.

  4. Forum: Quarantine period lengthened and I was asked to share a room.

    The D'Resort team said that room-sharing was the Ministry of Health's (MOH) decision, but when I contacted MOH, it said it was a D'Resort policy.

    I hope my predicament will be noted and the matter raised with MOH to avoid pain for those affected in future.

    Standard Operating Procedure.

  5. (We apologise to Mr Ang that he was unable to reach the Found and Unclaimed Property Office via the "HOTLINE".

    This was caused by the high volume of calls and messages received, which resulted in the office being unable to respond to Mr Ang.)

    I called the hotline repeatedly but the only response I have received so far is that the line is engaged. I left a message.
    I have been calling the hotline and leaving a voice message "EVERY DAY". As at Wednesday, six days after I dropped my wallet, I have yet to receive any call.

    Whose department is this under? Nothing from the Minister? Jamus? Standard Operating Procedure.


  6. URA looking into property agents' commissions, say sources

    Observers suggest additional scrutiny could come in the form of requiring developers to declare how much they pay agents.

    (No selves initiative or not awake in their work. If one looks back at history, it always takes the press to make it public before they act.)


    (We apologise to Mr Ang that he was unable to reach the Found and Unclaimed Property Office via the "HOTLINE".

    This was caused by the high volume of calls and messages received, which resulted in the office being unable to respond to Mr Ang.)

    I called the hotline repeatedly but the only response I have received so far is that the line is engaged. I left a message.
    I have been calling the hotline and leaving a voice message "EVERY DAY". As at Wednesday, six days after I dropped my wallet, I have yet to receive any call.

  8. Govt 'will try our best' to support all local firms that want to upgrade: Chan Chun Sing.

    The compelling explanations why do they need support? Is it because it is harder to do businesses now than long ago? You don't hear about all kinds of support during the first and second Prime Minister's time? Vouchers, handouts, baby bonuses, subsidies, grants and cannot keep track. Wah Piang eh. Identify the problems not keep handing out plasters!

    February 08, 2021 9:18 PM


  9. Competition is always a good thing. It forces us to do our best. A monopoly renders people complacent and satisfied with mediocrity.

    The world is a diverse place. Nobody has a monopoly on virtue or wisdom. Lee Hsien Loong.

    It's never easy to be a small country next to a big neighbor.Lee Hsien Loong.

    You have to have a sense of what it looks like, not from the point of view of the policymaker but from the point of view of those who are at the receiving end of your policies.Lee Hsien Loong.

    At some point, there will be some other financial crisis. It's in the nature of a capitalist system.Lee Hsien Loong.

    Every time you make a rule, somebody will think of a way to operate around the rule. Lee Hsien Loong.

    Morality it could be argued he was not sleeping as Singapore's PM. Curiosity, why is all that he mentioned still happening? Doesn't make sense.
