Monday, February 15, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

 1. Do you feel optimistic about 2021 in Singapore?

Vote in


  1. 🤢During the 2015 general election, the majority of the population were loathsome to a few

    opposition parties for the way it lambasted the government. Those opposition parties had

    small crowds. Today, if one has good eyesight or not wearing hearing aids, those loathsome

    small opposition parties were proven right. The old built the country. The new destroyed

    it. Unless PM Lee comes to his senses, to replace some dead wood who has nothing better to

    offer to the people, other than giving anger, confusion and hurt. Lives are becoming

    unbearable for the one third. 🤢

  2. No mugging - no change.

    Efficiency - Some improve, some deteriorate.

    Personal safety - Some areas improve, some areas deteriorating.

    Housing - Those who bought 20 years ago were lucky. Cheap, spacious, no full-length glass, low rise and low density. Proper kitchen proper yard area.

    Schooling - Better facilities.

    Looking after low income - heartfelt.

    Medical - Better and advance equipment but costs went up threefold.

    Population - Lesser born and bred. People are becoming more knowledgable and sophisticated. Less tolerant. A smarter younger internet-savvy generation. Not interested in political speeches or unless have to vote.

    Costs of living - No end in sight.

    Leaders - No comment.

    Family unity - Too busy for one another. Teenagers live in their bedrooms.

    Marriages - Mix becoming popular.

    Traits - No change. Kiasu and materialistic. Fast pace.

    Rules - Complicated.

    Cleanliness - Depends on the place or district. Worse are the public toilets. Streets are clean. So are buildings.

    Stress - If one has a high position post added with school-going kids. New technology. Driving.

    Food and transport - Easily accessible.

    Driving - City driving. Not suitable for high-performance cars. Most cars do not come with signals.

    Health - Cancer, heart attack and stroke on the rise. Some admitted with no beds available.

    Money - It will and can never be enough.


  3. Thanks 🙏 for some good insights.

  4. People ask: How can you allow your children to do this and that?"

    Once they start to earn money, most will just turn a deaf ear. Do you think the 5 that were

    killed would listen to anybody not to speed? A parent's nightmare! Parents cannot lock them

    up. It is even more difficult for politicians when the children make headlines? There is not

    much for them to stay home other than TV and the computer especially in HDB where the majority


  5. There are countless television channels, but either people do not have the time or nothing is of their interest to watch.

  6. A tunnel no matter what size 2πr is still a tunnel?

  7. To be fair to the people of the republic, interviews should be picked randomly from at least

    50 people who will be a good representation of what they felt about the budget. Afterall it

    is the taxpayer's money not anybody's own money. We should not recycle hand-picked people

    who has self-interest, benefitted from the 100 million(oops billions) and who had to say the

    right thing because they have a job to keep. At least once, can we keep it unpolitical?

    February 18, 2021 9:04 AM

  8. We do not know what is going behind the scenes. But from the outside looking in things are not looking bright. Unless we are missing something, it seemed that only one man is handling our fate?
    Whether which group is entitled to a longer or shorter stick to the budget or how excessive the private housing market requires cooling measures only depended on one man?
    Most are not really interested in listening to budget speeches, but if you are one of the smaller numbers who had a glimpse of the speech, the 'I' was prominent.
    Do we now have a PM who is just waiting for his way out? Or he is just there to countersign?
    Have a good day.
