Friday, February 26, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues


1. Why did more employers mistreat foreign maids recently?

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1 comment:

  1. 1. Some wants to feel superior?
    2. Some themselves were abused sometimes as a child or in life?
    3. Some had no choice in getting a maid, making family finances overly stretched.
    4. Some felt their money is too hard to earn, the maid has to earn hers the same way.
    5. Most had workplace or relationship problems put their anxiety on to the maid.
    6. Some are honestly sick in the mind.
    7. Some are just plain perfectionists and selfish.
    8. Some just enjoy inflicting pain?
    9. Living environment not conducive to have a stranger living in your home.
    10.Some maids ask for it.
