Saturday, February 27, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Are you optimistic about Singapore's economic future after the panemic?

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  1. Imagine a scenario, in a marriage or between parents and their children, where one party predominantly impose their views and have always had the final say. What do you think will happen?

    Imagine a scenario, where there are just rules, rules and more rules. People were told weekly that they should be this and that. People were told they should this and that when they can only move within rules?

    Imagine a scenario, where blunders and lapses are a weekly norm.

    Imagine a scenario where people live a life where they are not sure whether they are going or coming in the name of housing or properties. Measures are abruptly put out like a chicken with its head chopped.

    To have our peace, the best way is to turn off politics because as cruel as it may sound, we are our own safety officer and scum to survive.

  2. "At the same time, we 'URGE' developers and builders to remain committed towards keeping up workmanship quality standards for future projects and upholding their reputation as a quality developer/builder."

    Shouldn't it be 'INSIST'?

    "After taking possession of the new unit, homeowners should inspect the unit thoroughly and highlight defects to the developer."

    Shouldn't it be defect-free before handling it to buyers who have paid millions for a piece of sky? It is the developer's duty to check for defects before handing over, not the buyers! They bought it in good faith and foreigners come here because of the trust in workmanship from a developed country!

    "On the concerns about a building facade made entirely of glass, developers tend to adopt such designs due to home owners' preference for better views."

    Glass is cheaper than concrete. That is for sure. My family can vouch that
    glass lacks privacy because buildings tend to be close to one another. With curtains mostly close homes tend to be dark and lack air-flow. Dirt accumulates and there is no way to clean externally. What view is this stupid guy talking about? The building's facade looks terrible from the outside when it is neither glass nor dirt!

    This is not an exaggeration that how it ended up with people like that in BCA? Nope it does not look good!

  3. Power of authority- Rules to increase stamp duties, SSD and ABSD no hesitant.

  4. Civil Servants quotes:

    With bad laws and good civil servants it's still possible to govern. But with bad civil servants even the best laws can't help.
    Otto von Bismarck

    The civil servant is primarily the master of the short-term solution.
    Indira Gandhi

    After a time, civil servants tend to become no longer servants and no longer civil.
    Winston Churchill

    Not all civil servants admire strong political leadership. But if you want to change things for the better you need strong political leadership.
    Harriet Harman

  5. Crimes will increase. More people will turn to drugs to numb themselves from debt. The migration to other countries will increase. Ah Long will help with the next election, but fail to push up the percentage. Increase in suicides.
