Sunday, February 28, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues


1. Are you positive about the quality of the ministers in Singapore?

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  1. What quality? As of today, whether it is the policies or spending 100 billion for a population estimated at 5.7 million, every action there are ramifications. A quality Minister would automatically volunteer the downside of action as well, not only boasts all its upside. They must also remember that the population does not only consist of children. There are grown-up people and every living has got a brain.

    Have we seen such a Minister yet who is frank about ramifications? Only a handful and the people know who they are. Why do we still need oppositions to go into parliament to argue about the ripple effect? If ramifications are only 15% the people can accept it, small side effects. But some have really big holes in them?

  2. Politics is never clean.

  3. Since independence, this country has three and a half Prime Ministers and different Ministers' portfolios.
    There is a primary reason we have something tangible to compare in terms of our lifestyles, living conditions, pay & pay, Commercially, costs etc.
    Not everyone can be all bad and not everyone is good. But unfortunately, some are just not good at all. They are very contradictory in what they say or do and then justify themselves till the cows come home.
    Management is not a science. People are living things, not as a commodity to trade.


  4. NParks also uses technology such as modelling techniques to analyse risks and improve inspection processes, he added.

    Mr Lee said that NParks appoints registered professional structural engineers to inspect the structural integrity of buildings and structures in its parks, such as shelters, bridges and monuments, once every five years. 

    " Their WORDS against the ones who got killed by trees."

  5. Aiya this type of trees falling can look back at the 1st and 2nd premiership got trees fall and kill people or not, or cannot report.

  6. The country would even be sadder without the LEES.

  7. DBS spokesperson said that it will use the payouts to continue hiring amid the economic downturn.
    We are committed not only to protecting jobs but also creating new ones,” said a DBS spokesperson.
    DBS full-year 2020 net profit at SGD 4.72 billion, operating profit before allowances at record despite headwinds from Covid-19 and lower rates |

    Finding himself in financial need and wanting to "support his pregnant wife", a taxi driver stole 30 grocery vouchers that were placed in open letterboxes.
    R Mohan, 54, was jailed for five days on Thursday (Mar 4) after pleading guilty to one count of theft. A second charge was considered in sentencing.

    Citi Singapore has returned payouts under the Jobs Support Scheme (JSS) and will decline future payments from the Government under the scheme.
    "Giving back the JSS funding means that individuals, families and companies who have a far greater need for assistance can benefit from it," said a Citi spokesperson on Thursday (May 21) in response to CNA's queries.

    OCBC's net profit for the third quarter of 2020 was S$1.03 billion ($760 million), up 41 percent from the previous quarter's S$730 million and 12 percent lower compared to a year ago, according to financial results .
    The Overseas-Chinese Banking Corp (OCBC) also plans to use the JSS payouts to create new jobs and improve existing positions.
    published by the bank on Thursday.

    Eight men and six women aged between 16 and 67 were among those arrested for allegedly stealing the Budget 2020 grocery vouchers from letterboxes at Housing Board blocks islandwide.


    The difference in dispersing public funds.
