Thursday, March 04, 2021

Governor of Texas relax the covid measures

The governor of Tex has decided to remove the mask mandate and to allow businesses to operate at 100% capacity.

I give my reason why I agree with the his decision.

He made the following points:
a) The daily new cases and daily deaths have come down significantly
b) Many people have been vaccinated

I agree that the risk is now lower. With the warmer climate, the cases should come down further.

The question is - should be wait a few more months, or act now?
This is a judgment that a leader has to take. He took the decision to act earlier, so that the economy can recover.

There is the risk that the situation can get very bad, and he has to reintroduce the restrictions.

There is still the possibility that the situation can remain under control and the economy and livelihoods can start to recover.

Given the balance between the risk and the benefits, I agree with his decision to relax the measures.

If things turn out to be bad, he can reintroduce the measures. Furthermore, I expect that the people will be careful and will voluntarily observe the measures - if there is a need for them to take the precautions.
I wish the governor all the best in his bold decision.

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