Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Keep in touch with reality

 Singapore will continue to regress when the leaders and civil servants continue to live in the cloud and not keep in touch with reality.


  1. Lower costs meant that the country is more competitive, which in turn creates more jobs. Because the company is doing well, workers began to feel secure in their jobs.
    When workers feel secured, they are happier, they begin to take pride in their efforts and workmanship.
    With good workmanship, there is productivity in quality as less working on defects means less waste of time and resources fixing problems.
    Companies begin to feel over their efforts and grow and the country begins to prosper?
    When the country prospers, less taxation puts weight on the people. Win-Win for the country and its people. Happy people fewer problems for the police.

    Simple Economics.

  2. As Israeli President Shimon Peres put it in a Gallup interview, " Most leaders prefer loyalty

    over brilliance, they're afraid that they are going to be undercut."

    Diversity and not teams of people who think the same way by making things difficult for the

    whole when one-quarter of private property buyers are willing to pay for new properties at

    record-high prices. This segment is not for them just to keep hammering when they are

    unable to cure it at the roots.

    Same thinking and experiences are not a recipe for success in a diverse world.

  3. QUEENSWAY TOWER 03. Freehold. Resale- $1,280,000 - 991sq ft. (strata.) $1292psf. Feb.21

    ONE PEARL BANK. 03. 99 years. New Sale- $1,365,000. 527 sq ft.(strata.) $2,588psf. Feb.21.

  4. Define what is right and what is popular?????

    "I wish only to leave Members with this thought: If we want to do more for our people, we will have to spend more," added Ms Indranee, who is also Second Minister for Finance and National Development. (what hve they done for the people other than giving money out like candies? Setting bad examples to people to spend outside their means.)

    "In a tight fiscal situation, this Parliament will not be able to avoid having to make difficult decisions. We will have to choose between what may be popular and what is right. This will require political courage." ( Our political courage would be to tell them to shove their ideas up their ar*se.)

    If only they realize that they do not hold the best solutions?

  5. Higher GST has its advantages, and we cannot choose not to pay. But it also depends on wants, needs, desires, and conveniences. I think that people value good schools, policing, housing, transports, and medical care. People should not be made responsible to support companies or their workers. There is such a thing called bridging loans.

  6. A brilliant leader will advocate "keyhole surgery" policies, without making large incisions, minimizing side effects and the risk of complications. Rather than attempting something drastic, fixing a policy problem by targeting the problem as closely as possible. As far as we know, the existence of such leaders is none today.

  7. (FOUR Singaporeans have been accused of exercising a backdated option to purchase (OTP) so that the buyers may avoid paying higher additional buyer's stamp duty (ABSD) on their third private residential property.)

    An extremely sad country, where people who can afford to buy a third property, but pushed to
    where they had to bend the rules to avoid paying on extra exorbitant stamp duties.
