Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Quora: What has China done to the USA for the USA to be tough with it?

John Fenn, lived in California for 20 years, replied.

The Chinese have done a number of things wrong. This has really gotten the Americans totally flummoxed.

They have been wildly successful in bringing EVERYBODY out of poverty.
They care about EVERYBODY. All of them.
The will no longer kowtow to the US, nor anybody else.
They have developed non dollar trading mediums.
They have circumvented US hegemony
They have developed their own allies
They have pursued win win economic policy with their neighbours
They have signed up half the world into the Belt and Road trading group.
They have stayed in their borders.
They are too big to attack.
They provide the chain of supply for the US government and military.

And thanks to Felix Su :- Last but not least. They’re doing Capitalism better than the US. That isn’t allowed. How dare those Chinese go from Communism to Capitalism and beat the US in 50 years!
I could go on but ALL of these things are anathema to the Ferengi. The US hate success in others, especially when they cannot get a piece of the action. The US prefers a zero sum game. I win, You Lose.

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