Saturday, March 27, 2021

Wasteful to send government mail in 4 languages

It is wasteful for the government to send physical mail in four languages to everyone.


  1. It is indeed wasteful to send the mails to all the households in four languages. Take for instance the CDC VOUCHERS(TRANCHE 2) 9 pages, sending them the relevant languages for say 1 million households would save us 69% or 5.2 million sheets of A4 paper which totals 10,400 reams of 500 sheets each.
    This would also save lots of associated costs such as printing, handling, storage, mailing, time and most importantly the environment. It is ironic that such wastage is caused by the authorities that are responsible for cutting costs and climate change.

    To solve this problem, households can be arranged to receive documents in 7 categories, English, Tamil, Malay, Chinese, Tamil+English, Malay+English and Chinese+ English.

  2. “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of

    the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.”

    ― John Lydgate

  3. Just because you don't agree with something, does not mean that it is wrong.

  4. I would rather they spent it in the 4 languages.
    Why? It benefits everyone rather than pick and choose who and which group to spend on.

  5. Like that I also can. If we look at every problem the country faces, the solving skills are

    a) increase the penalties, fines or taxes.

    b) solve it by passing the problems to another group.

    When properties were ladder upwards, in the olden days, they bring in the executive condominiums and DBSS to alleviate the problems by giving a choice to the middle class who aspire to live above the HDB. Executive condominiums and DBSS are the only access to PR and Singaporeans. That leaves the 15% or so to the privately owned properties to market forces.
    Some irritating know-all ministers repeatedly came out about interest rates rising. It shows that they are unaware of what was going on? Most banks had already factor in higher interest rates when approving loans. It is just not possible to be 100% risk-free?
    Contentment comes from having a comfortable home, and this section must never be compromised or cutting corners.
