Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues


1. What assistance should be given to people who still suffer financial distress in 2021?

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  1. Cut red tapes to allow owners access to money through their properties if their loans are below 50% of their valuation. Most owners tend to sell off their properties even before the full loan redeem when their children move out.
    Allow loans to be restructured to longer tenure so as monthly instalments are lesser.
    Owners should be allowed to add relatives names to ownership with help of payment through their CPF without going through it as a new purchase.

    We have been through a few Financial Crises. How did we still come this far? The tough love of course? Businesses and jobs suffered but no one died of hunger. Some even had the choice of buying good price properties?

    To build consistencies, the next crises the state may have to spend another 100 billion-plus more due to inflation. This would not be the last of the crises? Once you start with that kind of money, where do you stop?

  2. The first thing to give up would be the car and holidays.

  3. Since I was born, I have yet not met anyone or companies who at some point in their lives suffered financial distress. The exceptions- the Mall owners, telecommunications, banks, insurances, and the ministers?
