Sunday, March 28, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues


1. What is the economic prospect for Singapore for 2021?
2. Will relations between the US and China improve in 2021?

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  1. What incentives are there for individuals and companies to spend or invest here, apart from the anti-corruption and anti-riots?

    In reality the prospects are dim, more so when LHL steps down. This sentiment was also the expressed by foreigners living here.

  2. “I can’t see the future, but it’s grim. The depletion of resources – we’re living in this dine-and-dash economy.”
    — Stephen King

    “Any contrarian knows that just as a grim present is usually precursor to a better future, a rosy present may be precursor to a bleaker tomorrow.”
    Seth Klarman

    “The best time to get involved with cyclicals is when the economy is at its weakest, earnings are at their lowest, and public sentiment is at its bleakest.”

    “The stock market has a 100% record, in the last 50 years, of predicting upturns in the economy. It's never been wrong. It's less than 50-50 on a downturn.”
    Peter Lynch

  3. Old leaders were confident in what they did for the general population.
    Affordable spacious public housing. No GST. No ABSD. Most businesses were booming.

    In conclusion, they did not bribe with vouchers, bla, bla, bla as there is no need to give money here and there to cover their inadequacies!

  4. 2. Will relations between the US and China improve in 2021?

    2. Will relations between PAP and SDP improve in 2021?

  5. Bought a SONY TV model KD49X8500H last week. Printed on the box- Made in Malaysia.

  6. Why do people try to circumvent every policy they fed?

    People made lemonade out of their lemons.👍👍

  7. Beneath the glitz and glamour, racial tensions are simmering below the surface.

    Race and religion that is one topic that must never ever be pushed to the forefront.

    I hope that I will be able to be served pork menu in the hospital.

    Prime Minister Lee has been quiet in a lot of things, but he is now speaking up for this topic for the whole country, not for a minority group. The president is promoting the Fuxxxxx Tudxxxx for their own group when she should be representing everyone.

    All it needs is one spark to ignite a racial riot.

    Whenever I go near one, I have to hold on to my breath, what I should and should not do to offend them or their God.

    We are treading on thin ice cuz we are surrounded by them.

    In some parts of Australia, the people resent them, cuz on Friday some swimming pools are closed to the public, cuz they need a swim.

  8. Why one must not buy a condo with a high-rise swimming pool? There were 2 condos that were known off-hand that some units have water seepage or damp walls. It does not take a genius to conclude that the units affected were somehow near or beside the pool, where the water could have come from. Hiring a surveyor was shot down by attendees at the AGM, due to the high cost and the people that were not affected by the water seepage. Both condos are a little over ten years.

  9. You can't stop Singaporeans from having aspirations for private properties, but you can make them less appealing by ramping up executive condos in prime areas like Upper Bukit Timah, Marine Parade, Queenstown, Telok Blangah, Clementi and Thomson areas. As of today, executive condos are only available far away from the main towns.
    Could it be because it is not commercially viable to the government???
