Tuesday, March 23, 2021

WOTC - Ministers comment on Myanmar

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 62% of the respondents said that our ministers should not comment on the situation in Myanmar.

1 comment:

  1. They won't comment on Malaysia, Indonesia, Philipines, or Brunei. A long time ago the late LKY
    commented something about Johor being not safe. The truth hurts and the country was on the verge of war with us? In the end for the sake of the little red dot, he swallowed his pride and apologized? That's our LKY, he was not the type who beats around the bush. At times of politics, you have to lie and give praises to be well-liked. That's the world.
    We cannot afford to have wimps ruling this small island.🤞

    Off-topic. The lavished weddings that were held for the sultans or their children. Over here our PM's children all very low-key? If you look closely at LHL and HC grandchild, there was not even any hint of branded wearings on that child.👍
