Sunday, April 18, 2021

Cancer insurance policy

 In this article, I explain how a customer can ask for relevant statistics and decide if it is worth buying the cancer insurance policy.


  1. People still need to buy houses to live in and not everybody can afford to pay cash. Is it true that islamic law forbids charging interests in loans? Nobody knows this for sure. Perhaps the banks can bend the rules and give interest-free loans just tu-dung.

  2. Insurance is a necessary evil for misfortune and ill-fate.

  3. Peace of life comes from peace of mind.

    How many times are you about to explode from anger, impatience, provocation and chaos of daily grind ?

    How many times are you able to turn the above situation into peace with a snap of finger?

    When people seem to cutting your queue at food centre, instead of scolding use a gentle voice," Hi, you need to join the queue like everybody else, Thank you enjoy your meal.😊" (Sowing the seed of peace)

    When people are driving recklessly in traffic, honking and putting up both middle fingers to you(Wait, which hand is on steering wheel?😂"), say a silent prayer in the car," May every driver drive safely, reach your destination safely, God protects you from harm" (Sowing seed of peace) instead of cursing and cussing," ~Go to hell, go die lah~ ." (Sowing seed of hell, literally). The main cause of road rage is the rage inside the mind, blaming other driver for the friction on road. People may drive and act like a bully on road but we get to choose to act in peace. When we react to them, we become a victim, both physically ( car accidents) and mentally (wasted energy to deal with the aftermath).

    When classmates, family, spouses, customers, workers, colleagues are irritating, annoying you, you can communicate to them," Hi, i'm bit overwhelmed by duties on hand. Can you pls give me some time to handle them and we'll talk later. Thanks for your patience & understanding." ( sowing seed of peace).

    We can deeply observe that all the chaos(or peace) in our life is the direct results of our seeds of thoughts that we planted in our mind.

    When we go around thinking(planting seeds)," Why so many problems with them, irritating me, annoying me, provoke stressed, so noisy...", we are actually not planting more seeds of peace. When bad things happened, we wonder how come we're so unlucky. Indeed, we are the manufacturer of thòse events. We've planted the disharmony seeds in our mind and the disharmony come to fruition.

    When we help others, we help ourselves.

    When we curse others, we curse ourselves.

    When we hope others to meet with bad endings, calamities, we'll meet the calamities ourselves.

  4. How many people actually read all the pages of legalize terms & conditions on every page of the insurance policy documents?

    Daily fatalities are very standard in society today. Heart wrenching.

  5. A man without insurance went to get a COVID test done
    He met a friend on his way back

    Friend: Where you headed?
    Man: Coming back from doctor's clinic. Was there to get COVID test done?
    Friend: Oh, how did it go?
    Man: The doctor asked for $10,000 for the test since I didn't have insurance.
    Friend: So?
    Man: I sneezed on the doctor and ran! If he's negative, I'm negative!

  6. For the most part, insurance commonly only covers 80 percent, so as not to allow taking advantage. For some that they consider high risk, the insurance company tops it up with a rider payment.
