Saturday, April 03, 2021

Proof of insanity

 I have found proof of insanity of our ministers.


  1. Car washes at petrol stations went up by between $2 to $3 since last week.

  2. In general, billions are not a regular number that is relatable. In fact, if you know the amount it is terrifying. They went into it not realising the bottom line?

    Oscar Wilde's definition of value-"Some knows the price of everything and the value of nothing".

    In poker, no player can see all the dimensions. They are playing a game of poker all about second-guessing.

    Any 'tangibility' coming out of spending the massive country's money?

  3. Illusion becomes a reality when it is a persistent one, that the world govt set the tone and scares tactics into believing

  4. That avaricious person nowhere in sight. Prediction correct. PSP no value to him as he must have found out.🤣😢😂¢£$₳

  5. To pull this country up, Jayakumar and Goh Chok Tong seriously need to come back to give a hand to Lee Hsien Loong. The 4Gs ain't going to make a cut. They are tried and tested.
    Sexual crimes seem to be on the rise. Accommodations are hard to come by here and living conditions are cramp and crowded.

    We have leased out our investment property to a Western couple a few months back. This was their second time living here. They lived here with their 2 children in the 1990s. Now their children have grown up, they are back on their own. Their own opinion was that the country is now too problematic and things that you never imagined in the 1990s could happen here have now become commonplace. Or maybe the media was only allowed to put out what the government deemed right then and there.

  6. Like that I also can. If we look at every problem the country faces, the solving skills are

    a) increase the penalties, fines or taxes.

    b) solve it by passing the problems to another group.

    When properties were ladder upwards, in the olden days, they bring in the executive condominiums and DBSS to alleviate the problems by giving a choice to the middle class who aspire to live above the HDB. Executive condominiums and DBSS are the only access to PR and Singaporeans. That leaves the 15% or so to the privately owned properties to market forces.
    Some irritating know-all ministers repeatedly came out about interest rates rising. It shows that they are unaware of what was going on? Most banks had already factor in higher interest rates when approving loans. It is just not possible to be 100% risk-free?
    Contentment comes from having a comfortable home, and this section must never be compromised or cutting corners.

  7. Today's world is much complex, people are more self-centered and complain-king and queens, we cannot have a Prime Minister who is overly cautious and outdated way of going about doing things.
    Someone who can use fewer tools or is less money-orientated for greater benefits to all around. While there is no ideal style or management, we also cannot afford to have the reverse.
    Someone who is objectively able to identify where some people are coming from, inspiring, take out all their clutter in their policies with only their salient and credible emphasis(this country used to pride itself for inefficiencies have now gown down in the toilet.)This is not art. To outdo the ones who abuse the system, you are also denying the sincere majority a complicated-free life.
    So if we are looking for:-
    Taking criticism
    Unbiased, you can find it in most current ministers? But if you are wanting for a next Prime Minister:-
    Good analysis of solutions or deeper thinking
    Motivate the people
    Financial and budgeting management
    Global outlook
    We have to look outside the cabinet. Whether or not this person who has all these qualities can only be found in God, there might or might not be an elusive one somewhere.
