Saturday, April 10, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. What is the main reason that led to HSK to resign as leader of the 4G team?

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  1. A meaningful quote by Nin:
    We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.

    Too many self-opinionated fixed on negativity- that he unsure as to whether to turn left or right. But being in politics for so long, he has learned to ignore social media, otherwise, you cannot perform your job well, if you spend unconstructive time fixing? The real pressure came from the comparison in the ages of the last two Prime Minister stepping down? Though they stood down, the general public felt a sense of security knowing that the wisdom and fundamentals of leadership were there if ever needed. This time it is not about apples comparing. Goh Chock Tong only worsen the situation by putting another excessive pressure on the renewal leadership. Prime Minister Lee is not stupid. He realizes that one day he would have to give in due to health and age. It is just a matter of time. Plans likewise always do not work out. It is only a plan. Every situation cannot be exactly the same.
    The queen of England is still contributing at age 95.

  2. Anyone who puts their life to live in a goldfish bowl under public scrutiny of service to a country needs the highest respect.

  3. The main reason that led HSK to resign as leader of the 4G team could be he realised his strengths lie in other areas?
