Sunday, April 11, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Who is best to be the next PM of Singapore?

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  1. Today's world is much complex, people are more self-centered and complain-king and queens, we cannot have a Prime Minister who is overly cautious and outdated way of going about doing things.
    Someone who can use fewer tools or is less money-orientated for greater benefits to all around. While there is no ideal style or management, we also cannot afford to have the reverse.
    Someone who is objectively able to identify where some people are coming from, inspiring, take out all their clutter in their policies with only their salient and credible emphasis(this country used to pride itself for inefficiencies have now gown down in the toilet.)This is not art. To outdo the ones who abuse the system, you are also denying the sincere majority a complicated-free life.
    So if we are looking for:-
    Taking criticism
    Unbiased, you can find it in most current ministers? But if people are wanting for a next Prime Minister:-
    Good analysis of solutions or deeper thinking
    Motivate the people
    Financial and budgeting management
    Global outlook
    We have to look outside the cabinet. Whether or not this person who has all these qualities can only be found in God, there might or might not be an elusive one somewhere.

  2. Ah Long not lacking in common sense. I am sure at the back of his mind, Ah Heng only 61.24%

    Those 4 shortlisted ones what are the chances of 61.24%?

    Seems like digging their own grave?

  3. It may be worth it that the next PM comes with qualities matchless to some popular opposition candidates. Otherwise, it would be just another candidate from the ruling party. He must exude
    protuberance in genuine concern towards the people.

  4. 1) Has a boyish and the good looks of a Korean star. Nothing to impress.

    2) His method of housing has brought great grieve to a large number of people. What he set out to do about stabilizing the price in the properties has only always been temporary. Not able to supply affordable and available public housing to the masses, using the private property as a scapegoat. Lack empathy and compassion.

    3) I don't know what to say.

    4) Who is he? Only heard of him during the last election.
