Thursday, April 08, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Is China supporting the Myanmar generals?

2. Who is likely to be the next PM of Singapore (HSK is stepping aside)

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  1. Tan Chuan Jin most likely become the next PM

    His definition of quality Ministers may differ from the people. Why? Votes magically do not shrink from 69% to 62% for nothing!

  2. Tan Cheng Bock is 81.
    Lee Hsien Loong is 69.

    Heng Swee Kiat could be preparing to become President?

    Prime Minister is not about making speeches or formulating policies.
    The ministries itselves are a headache. We are a small red dot. We cannot afford anyhow just choose a Prime Minister.

    If Hong Yi not interested in politics, what about his younger brother? he, he.

  3. TCB & LHL;
    One wants to stay. One is staying because he has to, not because he wants to. As there is no replacement yet, he does not have a choice to step down. You either want to be in it or you don't. Just being halfway, is just not practical.

  4. Choices in life. Ideally, we can choose who to believe, what to listen to, what to read and watch, and who we want in our lives. All these work fine until who we would like to be our PM or President. The important thing is as long as we are 👌, who cares who the Prime Minister or President is? We don't have to overcome by emotions. Life is far too short for that🤞.

  5. Didnt realize Heng wears so many hats. Bit more than he could chew.

  6. Avaricious son waited by the side for the death of his father. Now waiting by the side to see his brother hoping to step down. All for the windfall of demolishing a castle! Heaven will not be kind to him and his family. He was never for the country but money. Yuks.
