Thursday, April 22, 2021

WOTC - Resignation of HSK as PM designate

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 49% of the respondents said that HSK decision to resign as the PM designate was due to disagreement with the current PM. This is the most popular of four reasons.


  1. No easy fix?. PM Lee made a promise to the population before the elections that he would stay to oversee the pandemic. Maybe if he had not made the promise, the election results may be even lower( no one can ever know for sure). PM Lee has always set values, and what he had promised, he cannot just swap halfway for Heng, which may or not made Heng felt PM does not trust him with helming the pandemic? . According to the ground, we believed he might or might not made a suggestion to Heng to shift to a competitive ward, which led to his 53 percentage downfall. The competitors were only newbies?
    1) How can you PM your ministers, who are supposed to be under you, whose average around 60% in votes? How can you lead efficiently and effectively? The results could bear a little resemblance to your popularity, of course, your opponents count. He felt that if he was not asked to shift ward, he might not have this kind of results?
    2) His GST hinders his likeability.
    Nobody knows what goes in their four walls.

  2. Heng felt he was being sacrificed for another ward which looked like falling into WP's hands?

  3. If the facts are correct, PM Lee sold his inheritance of 38 Oxley to his brother for 30 million and donated the proceeds to charity in the hope to end the drama. If he had pocketed the 30 million(15 years in salary) and walked away from his duties when the country is in crisis that would also be wrong? He chose duty over money. I am not saying that he is the right man now during this crisis, but how many in the world can you find would put themselves for a country thanklessly?
    It is a case of a damn if you do, and damn if you don't.

    如果事实是正确的,李·李总理将其38 Oxley的继承权以3000万卖给了他的兄弟,并将所得款项捐赠给了慈善机构,以期结束这部戏。如果他在国家处于危机中时将3000万人收入囊中,并放弃了职务,那还会错吗?他选择了对金钱的责任。我并不是说在这场危机中他现在是合适的人,但是您在世界上能找到多少人会为一个国家而心存thank幸呢?

    Soalan fakta itu betul, PM Lee menjual harta pusaka 38 Oxley kepada saudaranya dengan harga 30 juta dan menyumbangkan hasilnya kepada badan amal dengan harapan dapat menamatkan drama. Masalah dia telah mengantongi 30 juta (gaji 15 tahun) dan menjauhkan diri dari tugasnya kompilasi negara berada dalam krisis itu juga akan menjadi salah? Dia memilih tugas dan wang. Saya tidak mengatakan bahawa dia adalah orang yang tepat pada masa krisis ini, berapa banyak orang di dunia yang boleh anda temukan untuk satu negara dengan bersyukur?
    Ini adalah kes sial jika anda memerlukan, dan celaka jika anda tidak menggunakan.
