Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Provide statistics of hospital admissions due to covid

The Ministry of Health provide daily statistics of number of cases of covid infections - broken down by imported cases, dormitory cases and community cases.

I suggest that they should include an additional statistic - number of hospital admissions due to covid.

The current reporting regime scare the ordinary people. They think that each case will lead to a disastrous outcome.

I suspect that most of these cases in the community are mild and asymptomatic. They do not lead to hospital admissions.

During the past months, we have several hundred cases, including many imported cases, which do not require hospital treatment.

People do not die from the cases. They will die only from severe infection that require hospital treatment and intensive care that was not successful.

If the additional statistic on hospital admission is provided, it will help the general public to focus on the real risk and not be alarmed with the small number of cases that do not cause any harm.

We should also be aware of the harm that can be done to the economy, to the businesses, to livelihoods that can be caused by extreme and unnecessary measures to disrupt the normal daily activities.

We should also consider the adverse effort of the lockdown or circuit breaker on the mental health or financial stability of the entire population. This can also lead to an increase in suicide and family violence.

We need a balanced approach to access the real risks of health and the economy.

I hope that the ministerial task force consider my suggestion.


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