Sunday, May 30, 2021

Provide useful and reliable views


  1. "we must continue to enable young Singaporeans to own their homes and fulfil their aspirations", Mr Heng noted on Monday at the 61st anniversary celebration of the Real Estate Developers' Association of Singapore (Redas).

    28 first-time applicants for each four-room BTO flat in Telok Blangah. This is the state of circumstances when words do not reflect their actions?

    Hopefully, we are not just having beginner's luck with Desmond Lee. He appears to have constructive capabilities plus cognitive skills such as big picture thinking and long-term vision. Housing is a very dominant part of every single person's life and is not something that should be taken lightly.

  2. I am now pregnant with my first child. The apartment (2 plus 2) was bought by me before I

    mey my husband. We went to the bank/lawyer to have my husband's name registered as

    co-owner, so as his CPF could be used to service the loan, while the extra money could be

    useful for my baby when born. We learned that it is possible. He has to buy over the

    apartment from me. Pay the 4% stamp duty which works out to $72K. At the end of it all we

    decided to use the $72K for the baby and leave the apartment as it is.

  3. *How do you know you have coronavirus..??*

    *- Itching in the throat.*

    *- Dry throat.*

    *- Dry cough.*

    *- High temperature.*

    *- Shortness of breath.*

    *- Loss of sense of taste & smell.*

    *- Covid toes - toes turning blue/black.*

  4. Why the ABSD is here to stay? Even if the housing minister is different, they will not make drastic changes to any policies put in place by the previous ones...internal politics. Doing so would not only mean that the policies were never right in the first place, but also make the one who approved it looked silly. It is all about giving face to one another.
