Saturday, May 22, 2021

Retailers call for a return to circuit breaker

The retailers are calling for a return to the circuit breaker (CB) that was introduced a year ago. They do not like the Heightened Alert (HA) that the government coined to describe the current restrictions.

What difference does that make? What is the difference between the circuit full CB and the HA version?


  1. Firstly, the country's money is not infinite. The not so good rule of thumb was they underestimate the spending of 100 billion of the state's money, bad judgement that there could only be one CB?? Disappointed that it did not make an impact on the election results??

    Secondly, the government cannot save everything and everyone. If they could, the first person to be saved would be LKY on March 23rd 2015.

    Thirdly, the retailers have got a 1-month advance and 2- months of deposits rental with their landlord. Let them do some sorting out themselves. Whether pandemic or not most businesses are facing tough challenges due to high costs. In the world's heart, it is no longer a shopping paradise?? This is mainly due to fallible leaders who cannot see?? We have leaders who enjoy and try their best at what they do. Unfortunately. we do not have leaders who are good at what they do??

  2. Aiyo, so what is the alternative? If malls hang banners with ads like mall storewide 30%

    discount, do you think there would be long queues? Cannot just blame, blame, blame. No one

    asked for Covid-19. Covid-19 not put by the government. Only rules and policies put out by

