Thursday, May 27, 2021

Review of US stocks

 Here are my current holdings of US stocks. They show a loss. But I have realized a larger sum in profit on US stocks, so my net position is still positive.


  1. The Older I Get (Alan Jackson)

    The older I get
    The more I think
    You only get a minute, better live while you're in it
    'Cause it's gone in a blink

    And the older I get
    The truer it is
    It's the people you love, not the money and stuff
    That makes you rich

    The older I get
    The fewer friends I have
    But you don't need a lot when the ones that you got
    Have always got your back

    And the older I get
    The better I am
    At knowing when to give
    And when to just not give a damn.

  2. "VERY WELL SAID by not a Minister or any PAP."

    "Housing policies need to be fair, certain - meaning the Government cannot flip-flop - and easy to apply, so it's a matter of calibrating all the various elements to achieve the best outcome," he added.

    "But at the end of the day, as long as the HDB resale market remains a free market, it can't be distorted too much and market forces must be allowed to be at work," he said.

    This is not a game of cards! This is your life and mine!(LKY)

    Need to get the right people suited to their abilities and potential. Your PAP success depends on great talents aligned with the right roles! No hard deliveries, no accountability on measures on housing so far except because their faces are suitable to some, for peoples' suffering of the first buyer consequences or filling their coffers!

  3. Dubious reporting??? If numbers are less than 1000 it is not out of the ordinary for any developed country not only Singapore. What kind of bench-mark are these twisted facts
    being used. At the moment a lot of western countries are being closed to the Chinese???

    The super-rich are choosing Singapore as the world's safest haven
    Money is sloshing around Singapore like never before. Family offices, Bentley sales and real estate prices are booming.(business Times)
