Thursday, May 20, 2021

Stay calm, do not over react

1 comment:

  1. Clinical Psychologist


    They made us believe that luxury was the rare, the expensive, the exclusive, and everything that seemed unattainable …

    Now we realize that luxury is those little things that we did not really value when we had them, and now that they are gone, we miss them so much …

    Luxury is being healthy.
    Luxury is not going to hospital.
    Luxury is being able to walk along the seashore.
    Luxury is going out on the streets and breathing without a mask.
    Luxury is meeting with your whole family, or with your friends.
    Smiles are luxury.
    Luxury is the hugs and kisses.
    Luxury is enjoying a sunrise.
    Luxury is the privilege of loving and being alive.

    All this is a luxury and we did not know …Which everyone had taken for granted.
