Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Vaccine tourism

 Several countries are taking advantage of this business opportunity - vaccine tourism. It started with Dubai. Thailand has followed.

Singapore should follow, under strict controls.

1 comment:

  1. Don't have to agree-

    (My Indonesian friend told me that many rich Indonesians are traveling to America to take the vaccine. If Singapore provides this facility, they will prefer to be vaccinated in Singapore.)
    What do u think will happen to those here, who are eager to get vaccinated, but are still in the Q waiting? The government does not have the brightest star shining in the sky, but neither are they dumb?

    (Mr Lim Chong Leong suggests that the Housing Board allow successful Build-To-Order (BTO) flat applicants who are affected by construction delays to opt for resale flats without forfeiting their deposit (Let those affected by BTO delay buy resale flats without penalty, May 18).Implementing Mr Lim's suggestion would also mean a surge in demand for resale flats, increasing their price and potentially putting them out of reach of buyers who are eligible to buy only resale flats.)
    This is the result of ministers who have no clear vision and what could be achieved. They lack an open mind about ranges possibilities that over-build outways under-build. As humans, having a roof over our heads only can we survive and thrive. It takes a lot more effort and a conscious mind to reframe obstacles and challenges as growth opportunities.

    (Given that employees and students now have to work and study My daughter, preparing for her final exams, is finding it very difficult to concentrate and participate in her online classes due to the drilling, hammering and hacking noises from the apartment home, I find it perplexing that home renovations are still allowed.)
    If that is all they have to bear with now, we should feel sorry for them? Why do employers prefer foreigners? Some whingers just do not have the resilience, hardship or mental strength. All the schools ever produced were how to pass exams with flying colors
