Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Why the Canadians dislike China



  1. The submerged Indonesian submarine was successfully lifted from a depth of 838 meters, killing 53 people. previously asked for help from neighboring Singapore, Australia, Malaysia. but they were unable to lift from below 800 meters, in the end Indonesia asked the Chinese Government for help. China immediately lifted it with heavy equipment. Finish this job.
    True or false?

  2. Where are all the doctors and psychiatrists when there are morer mentally sick and abnormal people that is a common sight nowadays? These people obviously did not realise that they are sick in the mind and the families may not be aware of where to get help. Somewhere the least something or govt agencies need to do something 'cause these people will not initiate to get treatment for themselves. Developed country? Not so sure?

  3. We should return to the system before 2001.

    In the not-so-olden days when a couple got married, the daughter-in-law was to move in with the husband's family, more so if he was the only son, so getting a flat was not critical on the agenda. Today, things have changed. A great percentage of couples value their freedom and doing things their own way, getting a home of their own is critical for starting a family. If any minister did not see this pattern and still stick to the old model of doing things, they should never be there in the first place. Fine if a couple is in their twenties to wait for 3 to 4 years for a flat. Due to women getting higher education, it would be illogical to expect a woman in their thirties to wait for 3 to 4 years. Resale HDB prices will not go down and births will not go up, if we keep getting kayu ministers.
