Monday, June 28, 2021

Fire insurance policy covers fire caused by accident

 Someone asked me:

May i seek your view on the following:
For many years, I bought home insurance from a reputable insurer. I thought that I would be covered if the house caught fire because someone in my house forgot turn off the iron, the stove, etc.
However on further checking (with this and another insurer),they say these cases are NOT covered.


  1. A friend I have not met for some time has invited me to his home for dinner.
    How can I politely excuse myself from the offer. I am not keen to bring home furs from their two dogs when I sit on their sofa or dining chairs. A few years ago, after visiting I came home and straight headed for the shower. But I realized a few days later, that some of my dark-colored clothes which were washed together with the trousers which I wore to visit the house, had furs smeared on them.

  2. More people are coming out to play the racial card.

    My interpretation is that the poly lecturer was acting like a father figure advising that people should marry their own race. Being sixty, he might not be as fluent in his speech as the Gen Y or millennials?
