Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How to deal with racism

Racism is now an issue in many countries. It is also getting into the limelight in Singapore.

We need to understand the root cause of the racist behavior before we can effectively address it.

I wish to give my perspective.


  1. Chinese Phrase - Every family has its own trouble
    On the outside a family may appear to have real success, happy family life, lots of money, kids doing well in school, parents doing well at work and so on. But in reality the truth is: (jiā jiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīng).家家有本难念的经

    Life was simpler once. People saved and then bought homes when the time was right for different family members when there was extra money. People bought homes as part of normal living for close family members. There was no such thing as worrying about what would happen to the price of homes. The increasingly speculative markets for homes have fundamentally changed our lives ( Commonwealth Towers is one anomaly that has now more than 100 units for sale @ $2000 psf-99yrs-TOP 2017). The changing behavior of home prices is a sign of public changing impressions of the value of property, heightening attention to speculative price movements.

  2. Dealing with racism or difficult people: No one can go through life without being called

    names. A high esteemed person would normally hold their head high and tell the trouble-

    maker. "Mind your own business, or what has it got to do with you?" and go their way.

    Interviewers always ask questions when the role has to deal in contact with the public

    humans. "How you react when coming in contact with difficult colleagues, bosses, or

    customers?" Dissuading to hire cry babies who put themselves out to be victimhood. Such

    people cannot go far even if qualifications are top. If every small thing go police, police

    dont have time and energy dealing with real issues. The police also discouraged people to

    waste their time. As long as no injury, they just tell cry babies, "Next time in public

    places not to block paths with your animal. Police might tell the lack of common sense ang

    mo, "This not the way we do things here. Even if last-minute you are about to trip over the

    dog leash, you just have to trip.That way you can go to police with your injuries. Your

    fault you blind cannot see the leash because of the colour."

  3. Bringing the tudung,lgbtq to life had been dragging its feet?? Leaders know that the large majority are not comfortable with it?? The race issue is enough to be dealt with??

  4. Life was simpler once. People saved and then bought homes when the time was right for different family members when there was extra money. People bought homes as part of normal living for close family members. There was no such thing as worrying about what would happen to the price of homes. The increasingly speculative markets for homes have fundamentally changed our lives ( Commonwealth Towers is one anomaly that has now more than 100 units for sale @ $2000 psf-99yrs-TOP 2017). The changing behavior of home prices is a sign of public changing impressions of the value of property, heightening attention to speculative price movements.

    116 Property For Sale, @ DUO Residences. ( TOP 2017- $2400psf-99yrs)

    123 Property For Sale, @ Riversails. (TOP 2017- Upper Serangoon-$1100psf-99 yrs)

    57 Property For Sale, @ Sky View Bishan (TOP 2017- Bishan- $1800psf-99yrs)

    33 Property For Sale, @ Highline Residences.Kim Tian ( TOP 2018- $2200psf-99 yrs)

    66 Property For Sale, @ Principal Garden. (TOP 2019--$1900psf-99yrs)

    45 Property For Sale, @ Alex Residences. (TOP 2019- $2000 psf-99yrs)

    48 Property For Sale, @ Cairnhill Nine. (TOP 2016-$3000psf-99 yrs)

    145 Property For Sale, @ 26 Newton. (TOP 2016- $1900psf- freehold)

    Free from Sellers Stamp Duty. When there is a will there is a way.�� Over-regulated rules no significance.

  5. I work for a foreign multinational company. I found out that the guy who works under me in

    Australia is getting higher income than me. The reason was he had had to pay higher taxes. I

    consider it racist. They buy cheaper cars and homes( half the amount on what we had to pay

    here) and heavily subsidized benefits. I have handed in my resignation.
