Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Imported cases placed under Stay Home Notice

 I find the current arrangement on Stay Home Notice or isolation in hotel to be confusing and contradictory.

Can someone explain the rationale, or clarify the situation?


  1. UOB. 38 buyers, 38 default in loan. No conspiracy? What kind of judge is that?
    UOB. If 38 buyers only 10 default then can safely say no conspiracy poor internal checks.

    I am thinking of selling my HDB and was looking for 99years private. I saw something that was within my budget, but as it is a big decision, I decided to sit on it for a few days. I talked to a friend who is in the property line. Luckily I found out that the advertisement on the TOP year is not where the 99 year starts. It starts from the year the land was purchase. If what I thought was 70 years left but now having to minus out 4 years of construction, which leaves it to be 66 years. I have now decided not to buy 99-year properties. HDB 99-year lease starts on the day you take the keys. Things can be deceiving. I think the government should make sellers put on their advertisement the remaining lease not the year of TOP. If I had bought it thinking the remaining lease was 70 years, I would have felt cheated. As the rules are so confusing here, not everyone can know or follow every one of them.

  2. The Prime Minister of Singapore Horoscope. [The Aquarian Dragon.]

    The catalytic result of this combination is a person with an uncommon clarity of vision backed

    by an authoritativeness that is difficult to ignore or challenge. The Aquarian Dragon is

    forever changing and improving things in highly individualistic and expansive ways. Deceit

    is anathema to the shining dragon, while the breezy Aquarian wins his distinction for his

    ability to deal with people and tough situations. This person can be sudden or unorthodox,

    but never cruel or scheming. Both signs can forgive and forget, although the Dragon is

    warlike when thwarted, whereas the Water Dragon can be broadminded and brotherly.

    The Late Prime Minister of Singapore Horoscope.[ The Virgo Boar]

    The sensual and generous Boar should redeem the Virgo personality from too much intense

    or monotonous work. Yet the cautious Virgo's deep intellectual qualities could assist the

    trusting boar in making sound decisions. The Virgo Boar commits himself less willingly

    despite his modest and kind appearances. He examines all the pros and cons before making

    any decision and is a hard person to fool or misled as he is very prudent. This boar is

    astute and knowledgable, a reliable soul who is able to identify with the group while

    remaining sensible honest to his convictions.

  3. The second Prime Minister of Singapore Horoscope.[The Tauran Snake]

    The Tauran Snake could well surpass all for tenacity and durability. This is a personality

    with both feet planted solidly on the ground. Since both signs in this combination subscribe

    to the belief that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, this mixture will be

    especially careful about money and disinclined to gamble. Although he can be very security

    conscious, he is never plagued by doubts of fear. He relies on his own abilities and sails

    assiduously toward his destiny. He is especially sensitive to music or other arts and

    stimuli that affect his refined senses. The Tauran snake rarely has regrets about his

    the course of action and is set in his ways and does not look back once he has made a


  4. Don't believe a word;

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