Saturday, July 24, 2021

Classification of new cases

 We do not need to worry about an increase in mild cases. We should only worry when there is an increase in serious cases.


  1. What went wrong? In most Western countries, some with a population of over 50 million and 70%

    had already their 1st dose? Here we are talking about 5.7 million and 100 billion and still


  2. --------While it is difficult being a child, it is even more difficult being a parent. Our
    second son has always been unmotivated. In secondary school, teachers would call up weekly to complain about him not doing his homework. There were doors slamming and shouting matches and we were not going anywhere. The teachers gave us the impression that we did not deliver a well-brought-up child to their classes. Sick of their calls, we avoided them. Then came the warning letter. With the help of our older child, we did all his homework and asked him to copy words and letters in his own handwriting daily. If you have an unmotivated child, not only your child is stress but also the parents. Today he heads the sales and marketing of an Australian chocolate brand in the South-East-Asia. He majors in English. (no need to study one) I would say stress also comes from the school.

  3. Great leaders are willing to sacrifice numbers to save the people. Poor leaders sacrifice the people to save the numbers.

    The interesting part; spending 100 billion to save lives, jobs and businesses. And then goes out and advantage a very small group of KTV owners and "girlfriends" disregarding the danger placed on the country.

    How flawed can the strong evidence get?
