Sunday, July 18, 2021

Do not take hasty action out of panic


  1. My two children have married and stable in Australia. One married KL Australian Chinese. One married operate a few Vietnam restaurants. His parents are Vietnamese refuge. We cannot go yet My mother died already. My father 83 years old stay with us.

  2. There is a trend that more people are living in axasperation and loosing their mind, the suicides(7 that my family members have known last year), and the ever adjusting to their sick policies. Three murders in one week was suppose to be the norm? With the deadly penalty here why are more people breaking the rules? The punishment is not even worth the wrongdoings, so why? One serious factor is the unconducive environment?

    The ever-competitive paper chase.
    Cramp homes that restrict movements.
    Politicians who emphasises aspirations rather than contentment.
    A sense that losers(those suffering because of their sick policies) are outnumbering winners( every now & then we read about someone purchasing 35M bungalows?) Stabilizing property markets does not mean violating peoples' rights. My parents used to earn a combined salary of $600 a month, but it took them only 8 years to finance our 5-room 1300 sq. ft. home in the 1970s. Now? What happened?
    The top-up of Covid has now created a perfect storm.

    Looks like LHL has given up? He stays quiet. So have the people and country. The result?
