Monday, July 26, 2021

Use of ivermectin to treat covid

 Here are my views about the use of ivermectin to treat covid patients.

I may not be a medical professional, but I use my common sense after reading the reports on the use of this drug.


  1. Leaders and Ministers-A lot of what "they know" isn't always accurate and its not always easy

    to recognize which part lacks real evidence. They marched on, pretending to know oblivious to

    to glaring facts that contradict their ironclad beliefs. The more they speak "their version"

    of truth, the more their egos inflate.


  2. "Those who had suffered either from businesses, or religiously following every nook-and cranny rules have now made to be as sacrificial lambs. Double standards. How many have been hauled to court just for not wearing masks? Is this really happening or are we dreaming?" F88k him.

    Penalising those involved in Singapore's KTV cluster of COVID-19 cases would discourage people from coming forward for testing and make it more difficult to contain the outbreak, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Monday (26 July).

    "We... do not want individuals, especially those who are infected, to avoid getting tested and treated, or hide where they have been from contact tracers, because they are afraid of getting penalised.

  3. There are just too many repeated occurrences of negligence, would there be any magnitude of difference even if some are hiding from the KTV visitors? Just because of your failure to identify and have them taken to task, because of your incompetent method, the public is paying a heavy price. F88K him.

  4. That Desmond Lee damn shiok.

    We are building XX,XXX BTOs. The figures sounded very good. But he failed as a minister to the
    people the XXX,XXX numbers are in the queue anxiously waiting like we have all the time in the world. He failed to address what remedy or there is any, to build defensively other than spending the last 10 years monitoring the situation? We know that he inherits all the housing inadequacies from his predecessor, but to beat around the bush with the template-generated answers is not to way to go.

  5. Agree, unless the temptation, opportunity, place, and environment are not present to them, the chances of cheating will even less or not at all? Lawyers are good at twisting.

    The minister noted, "Realistically, the people who are going to cheat, going to do illegal things, will do them anyway. They will use lounges, flats, warehouses, various places, it goes on, regardless of whether we allow the change to F&B."

  6. Boyfriend/girlfriend entry removed in March. If we are correct, their visas are for 2 weeks. Lately this month, some were caught breaking the rule and deported? They must have come in by helicopter!
