Sunday, August 01, 2021

Ministers should provide clear leadership and listen to the people

I had a Zoom meeting with a Singaporean friend, X, who has lived overseas for several years. He followed the politics in Singapore closely through the internet.

X made the following remarks:

1. The 4G leaders are not giving a clear message to the people on their handling of the pandemic.

2. The 4G leaders are not listening to the views of the general

I gave my views.


  1. Beautiful quotes:

    The different solutions proposed are always different results of different so-called experts. In practice, power into the hands of a small group of people who govern beyond any democratic control and make decisions in the interest of the dominant power. Our PM is considered still young compared to the past, present, and future of Malaysia.

    “The most complicated skill is to be simple.”

    “There's no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another.”

    “I’ve yet to see any problem, however complicated, which when you looked at it the right way didn’t become still more complicated.”

    “Systems do what they're designed to do, It's people who are more complicated”

    “The best view comes after the hardest climb.”

    “Fools have a habit of believing that everything written by a famous author is admirable. For my part I read only to please myself and like only what suits my taste.

  2. HDB also encouraged potential home buyers to account for the waiting time of new BTO flats and plan ahead for interim housing options before the completion of their BTO project.

    It also advised families who want to set up their homes sooner to consider buying a resale flat. ( Sounds good in theory, but what they fail to realize is that such a statement can only come from species that have an extra $100K to $200K to buy a resale.)
