Friday, August 27, 2021

Whistle blowing agency

 I give this suggestion on a whistle blowing agency to handle abuse of power and corruption.


  1. With the social media revolution, corruption and wrongdoings may not necessarily become more common, but because they are now harder to cover-up?

    President Xi Jinping recognised that corruption threatens the stability of the entire political system. Combating corruption is also one of his top priorities. Given the size of the country, the repercussions of implementing a wrong policy are not easy to correct. China has seen perhaps the most impressive alleviation of poverty in human history. The World Bank estimates the poverty rate fell to six hundred million people.

    South Korea passed a law that forbids public officials and business people to play golf and karaoke parlours together.

    There is no way of monitoring people all the time. Self-regulation internally conscience can only restrain cheating when nobody is watching. There is no point in promoting moral behavior when people are worried about their next meal or not having roofs over their heads. Therefore, it is important that the government succeeds and has the obligation to secure basic material welfare (good jobs and affordable housing) for its people. The key to this is to reduce poverty by promoting economic growth.

    Abuse of political power is there, but it is also something that is hard to prove?

  2. How can something so simple be overlooked? If a family is looking to buy a penthouse, it is pretty obvious that there are more adults living in the household? Foolish to tell the buyer only one carpark space for any of the houses. Poor planning.

  3. Lee Kuan Yew graduated with double first-class honors from Cambridge University. This was why no oppositions. Feared being made bankrupt and also no comparison for his intellect. If he sensed that any ministers are underperforming or that the policy is harmful, he would not mince his words outwardly. When the minister doesn't like it, tough luck. He was also the opposition.

    Lee Hsien Loong graduated by scoring 12 more alphas than his nearest competitor which has never been seen in history in Cambridge. Overly rely on the ministers that do not have the interconnection in financial, political, social, environmental, and psychological intelligence
    in policymaking. That said, the idea of having NMP or best losers in Parliament to decrease voting in oppositions, the voters did not bite.
    This evening after his National Day speech, the stock market not doing exceptional tomorrow
    means even the markets have stopped listening to him.

  4. People live on average 82 years here.

    Spent an average of 25 years sleeping.

    Schooling an average of 12 years.

    2 years of NS.

    Average 3 years waiting for BTO.
