Thursday, August 12, 2021

Why do I call some people idiots?

Here is the reason.


  1. Who is to blame?

    35 years ago 2 siblings bought a 5-room point block HDB 1300 sq ft for around $80,000.

    The elder one with his wife was cheapskate and miser. They did not believe in paying maintenance fees or spending. Though both were high earners, they counted every cent when it came to expenses. In combined money, they have $2 million in the saving accounts. Every time when they received money from the government, he would forward the text to the younger one to check if she had received any. Both are now retired.

    The younger one was more hoa lian and like to impress. 16 years ago, her husband and she sold their 5 roomer and bought a condo for $1.4 million which in today's market would be worth around $2.6 million. In their combined savings, they have less than $300,000. One unmarried son, staying with them, earning above $130,000 annually is supporting them.

    Once you start, with money you create resentment amongst your own people and it is just not possible to fill every loophole. LKY was right. He was highly against a welfare state.

  2. After the horses have bolted.

    Police investigating 88 people after raiding 115 massage and entertainment outlets.(Aug 10)

    Better late than never?

  3. At best just pay lip service.

  4. Investors pay attention when they make choices to invest in a country - Costs, credit ratings,

    currency risk, country risks, how often are rules and policies flip-flopping, can they survive

    and prosper and other wide ranges if their investment is wise or foolish. Almost everything

    what you buy nowadays is Made-in-China (visible and proven). When companies invest, the need

    for labor intensifies translating to good-paying jobs, which in turn creates wealth for the

    people and country ( simple economics?). The best part is when wealth flows into the

    the Republic coffers and the way this work is excruciating simple - GST can be banished.

    And with a strong and prosperous middle class, and increased consumer activity leads to an

    expanded economy and everyone ends up being better off rather than just selected.

    The US fears that Made-in-China could eventually replace the developed Western countries

    as the global leader in advanced manufacturing areas.
